
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

His Reverie by Monica Murphy Cover Reveal

His Reverie


I knew from the moment I first saw her she was the one. The only girl I could ever want.

The only girl I could ever love.

She is light.

I am darkness.

She is innocent.

I’ve done too much.

She is good.

I am bad.

She is my every dream.

I should be her every nightmare.

We come from different worlds. She’s…perfect. And I’m…


Somehow she wants me anyway. So we’ll grasp at what we can. We’re going to make this summer count. She’s my secret. And I’m hers.

The problem with secrets is they never last for long. And when others discover we’re together, they’ll do whatever it takes to keep us apart. All I know is: I won’t let them.

Because Reverie Hale? She’s mine.

Add it to your TBR today!!! HIS REVERIE Goodreads

His Reverie Teaser



I jump at the sound of a soft female voice, my hand jerking so the hose splashes me right in the face. Muttering a curse, I drop the hose and reach out blindly, wrenching the faucet off with one hand as I swipe at my eyes with the back of the other. I hear the girl laugh and I whirl around, fully prepared to find some bratty preteen Hale daughter mocking me.

But she’s not a preteen. Not even close. More like around my age. She’s tall and slender, her long blonde hair falling far past bared tan shoulders. She’s wearing some sort of sundress or whatever you call it and she’s pretty much covered since it hits just above her knees, though her arms are exposed since the dress is sleeveless. The sun catches her just right though, shining through the thin fabric of her skirt so I can see through it.

My gaze drops and all I can see is long, long legs through the shadowy fabric. Damn. Those sexy legs are endless. She clears her throat, like she knows exactly where I’m looking and what I’m thinking and I jerk my gaze up guiltily to meet hers, feeling like a jackass.

That’s when I notice her eyes are blue. As blue as the sky above us, and she’s so damn pretty, with delicate features and pink, pink lips, that I can’t seem to form words.

“Who are you?” she asks curiously. Her voice washes over me, sweet and melodic and now it’s my turn to clear my throat to get the lump out so I can freaking speak.

“Who are you?” I ask back like an idiot.

She smiles shyly and my entire body reacts, a bolt of electricity seeming to go through me. “I asked first.”

“Are you Hale’s daughter?” If she is, that sucks because holy hell she’s hot but yeah.

She’s completely untouchable if she’s a Hale.

“What if I am?” She kicks at the ground with her sandaled foot, her cheeks coloring the faintest pink. Innocence radiates from her. She looks like a damn angel and seems a little uncomfortable with me.

Despite her seeming discomfort, I think she might be trying to flirt with me.

“Well, I’d make sure and be extra polite to you since I work for your dad.” I go with the truth because I don’t want any problems from this girl. I probably shouldn’t even be alone with her. She could say anything, accuse me of something terrible and I’d have no defense. Her word against mine.

And her word would win every single time.

Another laugh escapes her and she slowly shakes her head. “I like your honesty.”

I like everything about her so far but I keep my lips clamped shut. I’ve already said enough to make myself look like a total loser.“So I’m guessing you’re definitely Hale’s daughter?”



New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite. A wife and mother of three, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance for Bantam and Avon. She is the author of One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Savage Possession Blog Tour

"Wow! Just WOW! Savage Possession had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.
This jaw-dropping, eye-popping latest installment in the Mystic Wolves series is simply epic."
~ Raquel Auriemma, Roc n' Read

Savage Possession - Belinda Boring
Book 5 of The Mystic Wolves series

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Growing up, Darcy knew that life would be filled with challenges and tough decisions, but none so difficult as the one that would alter her future forever. Given the choice between losing Mason or becoming a vampire, Darcy risks the overwhelming threat of insanity, and places her destiny, her hopes and dreams, in the hands of Devlin. When she survives the conversion and shows how truly strong she is, everyone thinks that the worst is behind them. It’s time to get back to normal - or their new normal - and live happily ever after.

But danger still lurks within the shadows - both in Woodside Hollow, the supernatural community, and within Darcy. Even though she looks fine, she seems “altered” to those closest to her, something beyond the expected consequences of her dual nature. With reports of dark rituals and blood sacrifices being performed, the Council has their hands filled trying to solve that mystery, leaving Mason scrambling to find out what’s wrong with his mate.
Will the imbalance warring within Darcy eventually settle, or will her decision to become part vampire-part werewolf lead to a SAVAGE POSSESSION?

“Epic. Belinda Boring knows how to suck you right into her world.
Savage Possession was just as the title said it would be.
Spectacular to the very last word!!”
~ Carrie Fort, Indy Book Fairy Blog

SavageP Teaser 2

Purchase for only $2.99

Early Praise:
"Savage Possession was totally unexpected. The twists and turns had me on my toes not wanting to put it down.
Some parts showed another darker and sinister side to the mind of Belinda Boring.
I highly recommend this installment of The Mystic Wolves!!"

~ Lisa Markson, I Pimp My Authors.

Holy shizzzzz! This plot is so twisted; I did not see that coming!!! Fans of The Mystic Wolves are really going to love this one.
Trust me . . . you will be begging for more!”

~ Cindy Mucha Barton, Amazon Reader

 “I love Belinda's books and this one is no different. This book will keep you on your toes from the get go.
You will not be able to put it down.”

~ Amy Chris, Weet Weet’s Bookshelf

“I couldn't put it down. It shows what people will endure for true love.”

~ Samantha Blackwelder, Amazon Reader

"Savage Possession has all the swoon-worthy, weak-in-the-knees moments that we've come to expect from Belinda Boring,
but it is also loaded with shocking plot twists and turns that will take your breath away.”

~ Christina Silcox, Literary Redemption

"OMG! I don't even know where to begin.

Belinda's books are amazing, but she outdid herself this time!”

~ Jeanine Palinkas, Amazon Reader.

"Absolutely blew my mind!"
~ Ashley Blackwell

"Spine tingling, suspense filled, brilliant, full of surprises!"
~ Michael Auriemma

"Belinda Boring is a true writing genius! I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish."
~ Julia Wood

My Review:

HOLY SH..  That was unexpected. This was the best out of the five. Twists, Turns, and a visit from an unexpected person. This is mind blowing. *stupid blown away face* I am a fan of the Mystic Wolves and recommend this to anyone who has a hangover from our favorite werewolf Jacob. Praise about the Mystic Wolves and Belinda is truly earned. Blew my mind out of this world and into hers. Now I need the sixth installment, Darkness Unleashed.
Darcy and Mason are back. Darcy is being turned into a Vampire and Mason is trying to get her to hold on. Now that Darcy is a vampire, she has new powers and monstrous strength. While Darcy is trying to get help on her thirst, Mason is noticing changes in her. She is lashing out more and more and is acting differently. She isn't even wanting to try and shift into her wolf part. Hopefully Mason can figure out what's happening before something bad happens.

About the author
belindaA homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.
With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Release Launch for A Forever Love by Kelly Elliott

RELEASE DATE: May 6, 2014

The moment Garrett Mathews sees the woman of his dreams, he vows to fight with everything he has to win Emma Birk’s heart. Garrett will embark on the longest, hardest struggle of his life to make his dreams a reality.

Emma Birk has every intention of focusing on her last year of high school with no interruptions—until she lays eyes on the one person who will end up turning her whole world upside down. Emma attempts to avoid the feelings she quickly develops for Garrett, only to start slowly giving in to his endless pursuit of her.

As life throws twists and turns at Garrett and Emma, their commitment to each other is tested as they determine if they have a forever love.

Excerpts/Teaser pics

By the time we were driving down our driveway, I was fighting to keep my eyes open. I leaned my head back and dreamed of getting out of this wedding dress. I couldn’t breathe with how tight the corset was. Garrett would like it, that was for sure. And the fact that I had been naughty and slipped off my knickers had me going crazy all night. I had tried to tell Garrett at least five times that I wasn’t wearing knickers, but every time I’d tried, someone had come up and started talking to me.

I slowly lifted my head and turned to look at my handsome husband. “I have a surprise for you,” I said.

Garrett smiled. “I have a surprise for you, too.” He drove right on by the house and started making his way to the west pasture.

I giggled and put my hand up to my mouth. I was nervous for what I was about to admit. “Garrett?”

“Yeah, Buttercup?” He looked at me sweetly.

I slowly licked my lips. “I haven’t had any knickers on this whole time.”

He brought the truck to a stop and put it in park. He slowly turned his body and looked at me. When the smile spread across his face, I couldn’t help but smile back.

“I’m so glad you didn’t tell me that back at the church because I would have taken you right then and there. I’m pretty sure the Lord wouldn’t have appreciated me causing my wife.

He nodded his head and took my hand before leading me out to the dance floor. When he gently brought me into his arms, I felt like I was finally home. “Only You” by The Platters began playing, and I looked up into Garrett’s eyes. The way he was looking at me caused me to hold my
breath. It felt like a million butterflies were flying around in my stomach, and all I wanted was for him to kiss me. I quickly looked around to see who was watching us. I looked back up into his eyes, and he started laughing.

“You must be thinking the same thing I am, Buttercup,” he said as he winked.

Every hair on my body stood up. I gave him a slight smile. “And what exactly are you thinking of, Mr. Mathews?”

“I wish you weren’t dating Michael because I’d really love to kiss you right now.”

My smile dropped, and I felt my eyes beginning to water. I licked my lips. “I’m not dating him. I told Michael that I had feelings for someone else, and he told me the same thing.”

The look on Garrett’s face was one I knew I would never forget for as long as I live. It almost appeared to be relief. As the song was beginning to end, Garrett looked down at my lips. I had never wanted something so badly in my entire life. I was practically willing him to kiss me. He began to lean down, but then someone started calling out his name.

Margie stood up and smiled at me. “Garrett, Billy…I’d like you to meet my cousin, Emma Birk. Emma, these are some good friends of mine, Garrett Mathews and Billy Bauer. We’ve known each other since…what?

First grade?”

Billy let out a loud laugh. “Something like that.”

He reached out his hand, and Emma shook it as she smiled. When she glanced over at me, I momentarily forgot how to talk. Finally, I tilted my head and tipped my cowboy hat. I held out my hand, and she stood up.

 “It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Miss Birk.” I gave her the smile that I knew drove the girls crazy.

She bit down on her dang lip. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Mathews.”

Oh dear God.

She had the voice of an angel. There went my stupid heart again, and now, I could hear ringing in my ears.

What in the hell is wrong with me?

I stood there, like an idiot, and just stared at her. She was beautiful with blonde hair and bluish-gray eyes that pierced my soul. I glanced down at her soft pink lips. I’d do anything to taste her lips and see if she was as sweet as she looked.

She couldn’t be more than five-three, but she had a figure on her that was to die for. The pink ribbons in her hair screamed her innocence. The moment she placed her hand in mine, I felt a jolt of electricity, and I was positive she’d felt it, too, because she sucked in a breath of air. I smiled, which was a mistake. She knew I’d seen her reaction, so she quickly pulled her hand away and sat back down. She turned her back toward me and acted like she was listening to something Wayne was telling Anna.

Author Bio:

Kelly is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves her!

She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.

In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner overlooking the Texas hill country and write.

One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her property with Gus....her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose, her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush, move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.

Stay connected with Kelly Elliott:
Twitter: @author_kelly
The Wanted Series

Wanted (Book #1) ➔

Saved (Book #2) ➔

Faithful (Book #3) ➔

Believe (Novella) ➔

Cherished (Book #4) ➔

A Forever Love (Prequel- Grams and Gramps story) 



Friday, May 2, 2014

Seeress Release Blitz

Book Title: Seeress
Series: A Runes Novel #3
Author: Ednah Walters
Release Date: April 28th 2014
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Firetrail Publishing
Presented by: As You Wish Tours


I love Torin St. James... 
I need his strength… 
But someone from his past wants me dead. 

Raine Cooper is certain of two things: her love for Torin St. James and her destiny to be a powerful seeress. But when she starts having premonitions, they are unclear and disturbing. Worse, they involve Torin. With her mother gone, her father dying, and her best friend in Hel, she is not sure who to talk to. 

But when the visions become more personal and she foresees her future with Torin threatened by someone from his past, Raine becomes desperate for answers. Just her luck two new students arrive at her school and they seem to have answers. When with them, her powers are enhanced and her visions become clear. There is only one problem: Torin forbids Raine to see the two girls. 
Can their love survive without trust?


In-between classes, I cocked my ear to catch the song again. No such luck.

Lunch time, Torin was waiting outside my class, a group of girls hanging on his every word. One reached up and brushed his shirt. That was crossing the line. I stake my claim when I reached his side, sliding my hand into his. They took off. “Groupies?”

He laughed. “No.”

“Next time Leanna Finch strokes your chest, I’ll break her fingers.”

“Who’s Leanna?”

I forgave him for not noticing. Girls were always pushing boundaries like damn predator checking for weaknesses. Someone needed to tell them Torin and I was tight. Fortified like Fort Knox. “Have you seen Ingrid?”

“No.” He stroked my cheek with his knuckles. “Are we eating here or at home? I can make us something.”

I wanted to stay there and let him stroke me. His touch was intoxicating. But first things first. “Okay, but I need to ask Ingrid something first.”

He went still. “About?”

“Something.” I reached up and kissed him. “Go. I’m right behind you.”

He didn’t look happy leaving me behind, which was sweet.

“I won’t take long,” I added.

He nodded. With a fingertip brush across my cheek, he disappeared into the men’s room to find a portal. I shook my head. Sometimes he could be so possessive. He hadn’t had a relationship in centuries and was learning to adjust to ours, which hadn’t exactly been smooth. What mattered was we loved it each other, knew it and cherished out time together. Whatever bumps laid ahead, and I was sure the Norns weren’t done with us, I was determined to never let them destroy what we had.

I turned the corner and saw Cora at the cafeteria entrance. Her lunch schedule depended on whether or not Echo was around. She waved.

“Please tell me you’re eating here. Please. Echo will be gone most of today and evening,” Cora explained. “There was a fire at some nursing home in Seattle.”

“I’m heading home, but you can join us. Torin already left to make something.”

She sighed melodramatically and looked around the cafeteria. “I don’t want to be a third wheel.”

“You won’t be.”

“Nah. Go enjoy your man.” She waved and I turned to see three girls from the swim team, Kicker, Sonya and Tess. “I’ll join the girls and catch up on the latest gossip. See you tonight.”

“You want to come and watch The Originals online? I missed last two episodes.”
Her eyes widened. “Ohmigod, the poor, damaged, just-needs-to-be-loved Klaus. I have to get my Klaus fix every week. I’ve even gotten Echo to tolerate him. Okay, I’ll watch with you, so we can hate on some witches. I also want your opinion on something.”

“Okay.” Ingrid, her cheerleader friends, and their jock boyfriends walked in.

Cora beamed at me and gave me a quick hug. “You’re the best.”

Everyone at Ingrid’s looked up questioningly when I stopped by their table. “What?”

“Where’s Torin?” a girl asked.

“Around. You know I can actually breathe without him. Ingrid.” I indicated outside with a nod and took off.

“What’s going on?” she asked, sounding a bit worried.

“I want to pick your brain.” Some of the students were hanging out on the deck. Others threw football in the grassy area along the building. It was still cold, but the sun was up and diehards were already wearing shorts. I found an area away from the others and faced her.

“You are beginning to worry me,” Ingrid said. “If this is about Andris—”

“No, this is about me. Do you remember I told you last night that I heard the woman sing during my vision?”

She nodded. “Varðlokur.”


“The warding or spirit-summoning song. We sing it before the Seeress goes into a trance. What about it?”

“I thought I heard it this morning.”

Her frown deepened. “Where?”

“Here at school. What does that mean?” I saw a movement from the corner of my eyes and turned to look. It was Blaine. He waved.

“I don’t know. I guess whoever sang the song last night is a student here.”

“But the Seeress was older. At least, she sounded older.”

“Uh, that’s because the Seeress never does the singing. Someone else does. You sure it wasn’t the same voice?”

I nodded. Someone working with a Seeress was here at my school. “Is Blaine waiting for you?” He was talking to friends but he kept looking in our direction.

Ingrid waved to him. “No. Do you want me to point her out when I recognize her?”

“You can do that?”

She shrugged. “Oh, yes. It’s like, uh, having a witch radar. Why do you think Maliina hated you from the moment she saw you?”

“Uh, because Andris was being a total douche?”

She laughed. “That came second. My sister was a powerful Seidr witch, but in you, she saw something else. Something she’d never seen before and she was jealous. Maliina always wanted to be important and, uh, revered. Back at home, they did, but it wasn’t enough. Then she met Andris and he turned her. But he took her away from home and her adoring fans. She stopped being important and she didn’t like it. That’s why she joined the Norns. She was very ambitious.”

It didn’t excuse what she’d done, but it made sense. “So what did she see in me?”

Ingrid shrugged. “A more powerful witch, I guess. I’m not as strong as Maliina, but I should be able to spot the witch here at school. I’ll let you know when I do.”

“Thanks.” I really liked this new Ingrid. She stopped by the group with Blaine, said something to him and disappeared inside the building. Blaine followed her. I went to the nearest restroom and headed home to Torin.

EDNAH WALTERS grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and dreaming of one day writing her own stories. She is a stay-at-home mother of five humans and two American short-hair cats (one of which has ADHD) and a husband. When she is not writing, she’s at the gym doing Zumba or doing things with her family, reading, traveling or online chatting with fans. 

Ednah is the author of The Guardian Legacy series, a YA fantasy series about children of the fallen angels, who fight demons and protect mankind. AWAKENED, the prequel was released by Pill Hill Press in September 2010 with rave reviews. BETRAYED, book one in the series was released by her new publisher Spencer Hill Press in June 2012 and HUNTED, the third installment, was released March 2013. She’s working on the next book in the series, FORGOTTEN. Visit her at

Ednah also writes YA paranormal romance. RUNES is the first book in her new series. IMMORTALS is book 2. She just released book 3, GRIMNIRS December 2013. Read more about this series and the world she's created here

Under the pseudonym E. B. Walters, Ednah writes contemporary romance. SLOW BURN, the first contemporary romance with suspense, was released in April 2011. It is the first book in the Fitzgerald family series. Since then she has published five more books in this series. She's presently working on book seven. You can visit her online at or



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