
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

PBA Release Day Blitz

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Release Day Event

Mark My Words Trio

Alloy Entertainment Launches New Digital-First Imprint with Amazon Publishing Read the Complete Press

This event was hosted by:



When seventeen-year-old Ashley Watson walks through the halls of her high school bullies taunt and shove her. She can’t go a day without fighting with her mother. And no matter how hard she tries, she can’t make her best friend, Matt, fall in love with her. But Ashley also has something no one else does: a literal glimpse into the future. When Ashley looks into the mirror, she can see her twenty-three-year-old self.

Her older self has been through it all already—she endured the bullying, survived the heartbreak, and heard every ugly word her classmates threw at her. But her older self is also keeping a dark secret: Something terrible is about to happen to Ashley. Something that will change her life forever. Something even her older self is powerless to stop.

Amazon Final


Everyone is exactly like me. There is no one like me.

Ven wrestles with these contradicting truths every day. A clone of wealthy eighteen-year-old Raven Rogen, Ven knows everything about the girl she was created to serve: the clothes she wears, the boys she loves, the friends she loves to hate. Yet she’s never met the Authentic Raven face-to-face. Imitations like Ven only get to leave the lab when they’re needed—to replace a dead Authentic, donate an organ, or complete a specific mission. And Raven has never needed Ven . . . until now.

When there is an attack on Raven’s life, Ven is thrust into the real world, posing as Raven to draw-out the people who tried to harm her. But as Ven dives deeper into Raven’s world, she begins to question everything she was ever told. She exists for Raven, but is she prepared to sacrifice herself for a girl she’s never met?

Amazon Final


The Dominion of Atalanta is at war. But for eighteen-year-old Aris, the fighting is nothing more than a distant nightmare, something she watches on news vids from the safety of her idyllic seaside town. Then her boyfriend, Calix, is drafted into the Military, and the nightmare becomes a dangerous reality.
Left behind, Aris has nothing to fill her days. Even flying her wingjet—the thing she loves most, aside from Calix—feels meaningless without him by her side. So when she’s recruited to be a pilot for an elite search-and-rescue unit, she leaps at the chance, hoping she’ll be stationed near Calix. But there’s a catch: She must disguise herself as a man named Aristos. There are no women in the Atalantan Military, and there never will be.

Aris gives up everything to find Calix: her home. Her family. Even her identity. But as the war rages on, Aris discovers she’s fighting for much more than her relationship. With each injured person she rescues and each violent battle she survives, Aris is becoming a true soldier—and the best flyer in the Atalantan Military. She’s determined to save her Dominion . . . or die trying.

Amazon Final

Meet the Author

Aimee L. Salter

Aimee L. Salter writes novels for teens and the occasional adult who, like herself, is still in touch with their inner-high schooler. She never stopped appreciating those moments in the dark when you say what you're really thinking. And she'll always ask you about the things you wish she wouldn't ask you about.

Aimee blogs for both writers and readers at You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.


Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. Since 2011, she's published more than eight YA & NA novels including the bestselling Dirty Blood series. She splits her time between coastal Virginia and the island of Guam and loves having a mobile career and outrageous lifestyle of living in two places.

Heather is also a publishing and success coach bent on equipping and educating artists who call themselves authors. She loves teaching fellow writers how to create the same freedom-based lifestyle she enjoys. For more information visit and find out how to create your own OutRAGEous Life.

You can find out more about her and her books at


Tracy Banghart is a cheesy movie-loving, fantasy football-playing (go Ravens!), globe-trotting Army wife who began "practicing" her craft at the age of five, when she wrote her first story. She loves visiting the international friends she met while pursuing her MA in Publishing and spends a portion of every summer at her family's cabin in Canada, where she finds inspiration and lots of time to relax on the dock. She lives with her husband, son, two lazy dogs and one ornery cat. When not writing or spending time with her family, she is on a mission to bake the perfect cupcake.

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Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six, #1) by Melissa Haag Review

Our world is being judged, and we remain unaware.
In a world filled with people, Gabby is uniquely alone. The tiny glowing sparks that fill her mind and represent the people around her, confirm it.
Clueless regarding the reason behind her sight, Gabby struggles to find an explanation. A chance encounter leads her closer to the answers she has struggled to find and into a hidden society where fur is optional. There she meets Clay, the intense werewolf delusional enough to think he has a chance with her.
Gabby escapes back into her old life, but not quite alone. Clay follows her and silently makes a place for himself in her world. As if that isn’t enough to deal with, problems compound when other werewolves, ones with abnormally colored sparks, begin to stalk her.
Instead of gaining answers, her list of questions is growing. What do the other uniquely colored sparks mean? Is she not as alone as she thought?
            Judgement has begun...
                                         Free!!! ---->   Amazon    B&N
 I give this book 5 stars!!
At first, I was very confused on what was going on. 
She sees this wolf turn into a man, but she doesn't run and they grow closer. Gabby wanted to learn all about Sam's culture until she had to take part of it. She had to go through the Introductions with all the wolves because it seems she is the second person in their history to be human but is compatible with the wolves as mates. When she decides that enough is enough and leaves for college after her last introduction she thinks she is free until she sees someone working on Sam's truck. That night, Sam tells her that the guy who was working on his truck has claimed her as his mate. His name is Clay and he won't talk to her other then shrugs, grunts, and head nodding. 
Best Part: he goes to college with her but has to say a wolf  almost the entire time!! Get ready for the jokes!
The beginning of this book was kind of confusing, but as the story continues it becomes something I didn't expect it to go. Gabby learns to understand Clay without him having having to talk. She starts to actually do what Sam said she should do: listen and watch his body language. This is a skill that everybody should have. How to tell how someone is feeling by their body language. This book shows you how you can have a relationship with someone who can't talk or doesn't want to. Did I mention that Gabby can see lights in people? No? Well she can. Soon, she will figure out that she is more special then what Sam originally said she was. I like this book it isn't the same old werewolf book. It has a depth to it that other don't have. It isn't centered around the werewolf culture, but Gabby's life as she goes through college. 

Rouge by Katy Evans Blog Blitz


Brook Dumas found Remington Tate in REAL, and now it’s her best friend Melanie’s turn to find the man who makes her heart sing. After years of searching, one night in the rain, the strong and mysterious Greyson King comes to her rescue. He’s bold, and maybe just the lover, friend, and protector she’s been searching for. When they make love, he says her name like it means something. Like she means something—and that’s everything she’s ever wanted. 

He disappears for days without a word, and when he’s around, he says he’ll only hurt her. Buy when he’s away, her heart hurts more. 

Then Melanie uncovers the dark world he’d been determined to keep hidden, and suspects that their random first meeting might have not been so random after all. 

Caught in a free fall of emotions, Melanie has no one to catch her but the man she should be running from. . . 

But what do you do when your Prince Charming has gone Rogue?


The doors burst open and a couple walks inside, soaking wet, the woman shaking her damp loose hair, laughing.
“Omigod!” I cry, my stomach plummeting when I realize it’s fucking raining.
I run to the door when a man grabs the handle with a black-gloved hand and gallantly pulls it open for me. I almost stumble outside, and he grips my elbow to steady me. “Easy,” he says in a rolling voice as he steadies me on my feet, and I blink desperately across the street at the light blue Mustang. All I have in my name. All I have to sell because I desperately need the money and who will want it now? It’s a convertible and a little old, but it’s as cute as it is unique, with white interior seats to match the tent top. But now it’s outside in this rain, with its top down, becoming my very own Titanic with wheels.
My entire life is sinking right with it.
“I assume by that sad puppy-dog look on your face that that’s your car,” the rolling voice says.
I helplessly nod and lift my eyes to the stranger. A flash of thunder cuts through the distance, illuminating his features.
And I can’t speak.
Or think.
Or breathe.
His eyes grab me and won’t let go. I stare into their depths while also registering that his face is stunning. Hard jaw, high cheekbones, strong forehead. His nose is classic, sleek and elegant; and the lips beneath are full and curved, firm and . . . god, he’s edible. His dark hair flips playfully in the wind. He’s tall and broad shouldered and dressed in dark slacks and a dark turtleneck that makes him look both elegant and dangerous.
But his eyes.
They’re an indecipherable color, but it’s not the color, it’s the stare, the incredible shine. Framed with thick black lashes, his eyes shine as brilliant as the brightest lights I’ve ever seen. As they quietly assess my features in return, those narrowed eyes feel as powerful as X-rays, and they seem to be sparkling especially because I—me—have somehow done something to amuse this man, this . . . fuck, I have no name for him. Except Eros. Cupid himself. God of love. In the flesh.
I used to think Cupid used an arrow but I don’t feel as if I’ve been pierced by an arrow. I feel like I’ve been hit. By a rocket.
As I keep standing here, floored by the over six feet of total hotness before me, he grabs my keys from me with one gloved hand and puts his other free one on my hip to hold me in place. And I feel it. I feel the touch race down my hips, knotting in my stomach, pulsing in my sex, straight down my thighs, curling my toes. “Stay here,” he says into my ear, then he pulls up the collar of his turtleneck until it becomes a hood in the back, and he runs across the street.
I watch him head to where my car is getting soaked. The wind whips through the streets so hard, I have to use both hands to try to flatten my skirt so it doesn’t fly up to my middle.
“Put the top on!” I force myself to yell through the pounding rain, suddenly as determined as he is to save my car.
“Princess, I got this!” He leaps into the front seat, turns on the car, and the top starts coming up until it . . . doesn’t.
It gets stuck.
After a squeal of protest, the fucker starts coming back down.
“ARGH, SHIT!” I hurry into the street and suddenly the drops of rain bombard me like little cannon balls, soaking me in a second. I swear I want to yell Fuck you! at them. My car, the one thing in my life that hasn’t been shit on, is being ruined and I want to scream.
“Are you kidding me? Get under the roof!” The guy leaps out and then pulls off his sweater in one quick jerk. He spreads the material over my head, using it to shield me from the rain while he herds me back to the small awning over the building entry.
“No! I’ll help you. My precious car!” I cry and push at his chest, trying to get him to back off, but he’s a head taller and built of steel.
“I’ve got your car,” he promises. He hands me his soaked turtleneck and adds, “Hold this,” before he runs back out.
He’s wearing a white crewneck undershirt, and it clings to his sculpted torso as he tries to manually override and pull the top of my car back in place.
Raindrops sluice down his bare arms, the soaked cotton of his shirt plastered down on his chest, revealing every muscle in existence. Fuck. He’s off-the-charts gorgeous; he just broke my Man Hotness Radar. I can’t take my eyes off every inch of his body or the way it moves.
Thunder shakes the city again when he finally latches the top of my car on and signals for me to come over. He opens my car door from the inside, and I hurry into the passenger seat and shut it behind me.
My cold, slick clothes cling against my skin while he sits behind the wheel, looking big and manly, and suddenly we’re ensconced in the small, almost cramped interior of my car. The seats are flooded with water, and when I shift to face him a little, I hear a squish that makes my cheeks burn in embarrassment.
“I can’t believe this,” I whisper. “My best friend tells me I’m the only idiot with a convertible in Seattle.”
His eyes are openly amused. “I dig your car.” He reaches out to the dashboard, and the hand he runs over it is covered in an elegant lambskin glove that makes my skin prick with goose bumps. He shifts his big torso in my direction with an irresistibly devastating grin. “Everything wet gets dry; don’t worry, princess.”
I can hardly take the way he says wet.
Or the way a raindrop clings to his dark eyelashes. Water sluices down his tanned, corded arms. His hair is slicked back, enhancing the beautiful face he has. I have seen works of art and beautiful men, beautiful buildings and beautiful rooms, but at this moment as he looks at me, I can’t remember ever seeing anything besides him.
He’s a ten. I’ve never, ever, been with a ten. And the way that he looks at me . . . I’ve seen that look before. The look that Remington Tate gives Brooke. That look. He’s giving it to me and I’m dying inside. Can I die from one look? And if one look can kill me, then what would one touch do?
“So,” he says softly, his voice textured. He waits a little before speaking again, and it surprises me that he still only looks at my face, not my wet chest, not my bare legs—he’s looking at nothing but my eyes while absently stroking the circle of my steering wheel.
“Want to go somewhere with me?” he asks, then reaches out with his free wet black glove to brush my hair back behind my ear.
What I feel is so far beyond lust, I can hardly answer him.
I tremble. “Yes,” I say, dizzied with want.

I LOVE Greyson!!! Here is another Excerpt!!

“Bastard,” I mumble. “You ruined my whole week, you fucking bastard. I bet you’re fucking some triple-D blonde right now and her triplets all at the same time, aren’t you? You’re not even a two-timer, you’re like a three-timer, liar, feeding me an I’ll-take-you-to-the-movies fucking line. I swear I was fine until you came back like you “got” me, like you “got” me even if I looked like a hungover mess. God, I can’t believe myself!”
I kick the tub as if it’s the tub’s fault, then yell, “OUCH!”
Scowling, I walk into the bedroom, grab my sleep clothes, pad outside to my living room/kitchen combo to grab some ice cream, slide on my Princess Bride DVD and turn on the TV. A couple of pounds of fat, here we go. I plop down and a vibration buzzes across the couch. I scowl and feel around for my phone. I find it way in between the two couch cushions, pull it out, and set it aside for a scoop of ice cream. I almost choke on it when I see a text I hadn’t noticed before.
Be home tonight.
What? My stomach vaults. I read who the text is from and suddenly I want to throw my phone into a WALL. Greyson. I scowl at it and throw it down to the couch and start pacing. I’m not going to answer him. Why would I? He seemed in no hurry to talk to me before, and now he orders me? Like an all mighty king? No thanks. I’ll pass on our second date, thank you.
But I check and notice the text was sent hours ago. I tell myself I am not going to respond, I will wait a gazillion days like he did. I set the phone aside and put a big spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue, but my stomach is squirming and now I can’t watch the TV, I can only stare at my phone and suck on the spoon. Then I bury the spoon in the tub and grab my phone, squeeze my eyes shut and type.
I’m home but that doesn’t mean I’m staying home. Just depends . . .
On? comes the reply, and quickly.
Whoa, was he waiting, with phone in hand, to answer? It seems like he was.
I wait one full minute. Trembling. Type: On who’s visiting
I don’t mean that as an invite. I mean it as in: I’d hightail it out of here if he set foot in my building. But his answer is lightning fast and my heart starts pounding as it keeps staring back at me.
Crap! I have to leave. I have to leave; I can’t see him! I can’t be this easy! A line must be drawn. He’s already shown what our night together meant to him, and I won’t let myself be devalued by him or any other moron again.
I should leave before he arrives, or when he does, yell through the door, without opening it even an inch, and tell him that I’m NOT INTERESTED! You stood me up, you didn’t get in touch soon enough, I am not your booty call, have a good life!
Yeah. That sounds right.
Determined, I head over to close the living room blinds. When I glance out the window and reach for the string I see a dark sports car pull over and a man in black step out of the driver’s seat. He looks up toward my window and all my systems stop when our eyes lock, hold, recognize. My insides go into chaos mode. A strange excitement makes my knees knock.
Fuck me, it’s really him.
What is he doing here? What does he want?
He heads into the building and I turn to face my closed door, panicking because I haven’t changed, I didn’t change. I’m in my pj’s, if hardly that.
Noticing the pint of ice cream still grasped in my hand, I run to shove it back into the freezer, spoon and all. I start pacing around in circles, trying to come up with a new plan, but unable to think for shit. I consider telling my building guard not to let him in, but I hear the ring of the elevator and realize the guard must have recognized the motherfucker from when he brought me home last week.
Deciding not to delay the inevitable, I swing the door open as he steps out of the elevator. He looks straight at me and his gaze drills into me, making a hole straight in my thoughts. One of my neighbors and her husband pass along the hall toward their door.
“Well, hello there, Melanie. A little chilly out.” She gestures to the white silk shorts and near-transparent camisole I’m wearing in complete disapproval and continues on.
Greyson follows behind her and fills up the space one foot away from my threshold with muscle and beauty and testosterone and, I swear, god, I swear, he’s as lethal as a nuclear bomb. My knees, oh, my knees. My heart. My eyes. My body feels both light as a feather and heavy as a tank. How can this be? He’s so stunning I can’t even move. Or blink, or hardly stand; I’m leaning on the door frame.
I’m fully sober. Something I might regret. He’s no longer blurred by the rain, by vodka, or by my stupid illusions of prince charming.
The man standing at my door is very real, very big, very tan, and his smile is very, very charming. There is no word for the way he stands there, his eyes dark and glimmering, his cheekbones hard and his jaw smoothly shaven, his mouth so beautiful, tipped up mischievously at the corners. His suit is perfect, playboy perfect, and his tousled hair run with wayward streaks of copper that makes me want to rake my fingers straight through. And he’s here, looking at me as if waiting for me to let him in. A memory of the morning he brought me home flashes through me. Where I felt sore because of the way he’d loved me all night. The little mark behind my ear that I found the next morning. 
Hanging on to my every instinct of self-preservation, I hold the door only halfway open when he catches it in one big powerful hand.
“Invite me in,” he says softly, holding the door in his firm grip.
“My car doesn’t need a tune-up, it’s fine, but thanks for checking in on it,” I say, pushing it closed with more effort.
He shoves the door open and strides inside, and I’m frustrated over my inability to keep him out. Now he’s inside and he shuts the door like he owns my place, then he studies it with a sweep of narrowed eyes. “This building has a laundry chute?”
That’s your line?”
He crosses the room and pulls the rest of the blinds shut, then he performs an insanely quick check of my place with a sweep of his gaze that makes my insides turn over.
It’s almost like he’s making sure there is no other man here.
He can’t possibly be jealous, can he?
And now . . . now that he seems assured no one is here but me, he starts walking over to me and looking at my mouth, and I’m walking away because every instinct of self-preservation in me tells me to walk away.
“You’re here. Why are you here all of a sudden? Some other date canceled on you last minute?” I demand.
“I have a date I’d like to schedule with you.” His eyebrows pull low over those brilliant hawklike eyes. “You’re not nearly as excited to see me as I’d hoped.”
“Maybe I thought you were a drunken hallucination. Maybe I hoped you were.”
I hit the back of my kitchen island and he locks me in with his arms, his eyes almost desperate and hungry. Then he cups my face and sets his mouth to mine, like he thinks—mistakenly—I belong to him.
“I’m not,” he says, softly, then he kisses me again, so deeply I lose my train of thought until he speaks against my mouth again. “A hallucination. And if you need me to, I’ll spend all night reminding you of what it feels like to have my tongue and my cock buried deep in you and how much you liked it.”
He leans over as if to kiss me again. My voice trembles as I turn my head. “Don’t, Greyson.”
“I don’t like that word, ‘don’t,’” he rasps against my cheek. “But I do like you saying Greyson.”
He tips my head around with the tip of one finger and stares at me like he loves the look of me. I lift one of his arms and he lets me, and I start easing away again, free of him, but not free of his stare. The first night he just kept staring at my eyes like he couldn’t tear his gaze free, but now, now he’s seeing all of me. I’m wearing shorts and a camisole yet my body starts heating as his eyes rake me up and down.
“I gave you a chance and you blew it,” I breathe.
“I want another one.”

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My Life in 8 Words: “Hectic, wonderful, complete; everything I ever wanted.”
Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Darkness Unleashed is Available

Are you new to The Mystic Wolves Series?! Book #1 is Free!

Purchase the Series so far:

July 27th, 2014
The Mystic Wolves #6
- Darkness Unleashed

Nothing is as it seems. Alliances will be forged and broken. Friendships will be tested. The bitter sting of betrayal cuts the deepest ... prepare your hearts for the DARKNESS UNLEASHED.
As the startling truth behind Darcy's strange behavior is revealed, the race begins as time runs out for Mason to save his beloved mate. Fighting against an unknown enemy, he must rely on instinct and powerful magic to uncover the devious plot to destroy the woman he loves. Just when Mason thinks he understands and has everything under control, the true mastermind behind recent attacks steps forward to claim authority over the Supernatural community. As the Master releases his cruelty and malice on those who dare to defy him, it will take everything the Mystic Wolves Alpha has to protect those he's pledged to serve.

Purchase Darkness Unleashed!

Already impatient for Book #7!? It's available for Pre-Order!

The Mystic Wolves #7
- Last Wolf Standing
Release Day November 2nd 2014

Don't miss out on the stunning seventh installment in the Mystic Wolves series.
War has come to the Mystic Wolves Pack--one the will bring old enemies together in the desperate fight to destroy the Master. Things have never been so dire for Mason and Darcy as their love for each other and their friends fuel their determination to win at any cost.
Lives are on the line, heartache inevitable. Who will be THE LAST WOLF STANDING?

Pre-Order Last Wolf Standing!

Meet our two favorite guys in the series: Mason and Daniel!!!!

About the author
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.
With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.
Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Between the Layers Review

Most fifteen year old girls are trying to figure out who they are; I’m trying to stay alive long enough to figure out what.

I’ve always been on the run. From my guilt about the things I couldn’t change, and from the voice in my head that won’t let me be normal. But yesterday Tommy and I were in a car accident on the way home from school. When I woke up, Tommy was gone, and so was the world I grew up in. Now I’m running less in a metaphorical way, and more in a “pick up the pace if you don’t want to die” way. Why? Because my eyes are blue, and I’m lost in a fantasy world where that means I’m different. It means I might not be human. It means I should already be extinct, and someone called “The Regent” is determined to make me that way.

I need to find the way home, and before I do that, I need to find Tommy. He’s only in this mess because of me. I can’t do it on my own, but it’s hard to know who to trust when everyone keeps trying to kill me.

About the Author:

SaraJean Panek has loved books since before she could read. One of her earliest memories is of sitting with one of her two older brothers and following along the page as he read her “Rapunzel.” She’s been telling her own stories nearly as long. “Between the Layers” is SaraJean's debut novel. She travels at every opportunity, but currently lives in her hometown of Virginia Beach and spends most of her free time writing, the work she loves.

My Review: 

I give this book three stars. I thought this would be great, but it was ok. When Sera, short for Serendipity, ended up in the other world, I thought it was interesting. There is no sports, no education, nothing in our world is normal there. I thought there might be a love interest, but there din't seem to be one. But like all YA books, there is a evil guy trying to kill Sera. Only because she has blue eyes everyone thinks she is a lost princess and their savior. 

Unfortunately, this book was not my cup of tea. I am glad I read it, but it not one of my favorites. This is only my opinion. If you like this book, then I suggest you continue on reading. It was a fast pace book and is a little confusing. The plot is good, but with the way it unfolded I feel it just jumped around a lot of details that could be important earlier on. All in all, it was an ok book and would recommend that people try it.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Endless Affinity (Eternal Soulmate, #2) by Brooklyn Taylor Cover Reveal

Here We Go.....




Grace Ingram made one mistake that sent her down a path that
was full of heart break and misery.  In a
moment of hesitation her stubbornness left her filled with doubts in her mind
that could cause her to sacrifice the love of her life.

 Grace was a
blue-collar, strong, independent Texas girl that had been with the same guy
since high school. Now at the age of 26 she has been asked the one thing most
women are waiting and wishing for, but not Grace. The last thing she wanted was
to get married and start a family- especially with a guy that had never had to
work for a living. She knew Kyle was the only one she had ever loved with all
her heart, trusting and allowing a level of intimacy she would never allow with
another. After all he was the only man that knew of the abuse she suffered as a
high school teenager. The differences in their lifestyles were in such
contrast, though, that it was hard for her to let her guard down.  Grace had no idea the battle she would really
be fighting once she realized she was losing Kyle for good.

Kyle Chandler was everything every woman wanted. He was
rich, gorgeous and full of charm. He was a ladies’ man but the only girl he had
eyes for was Grace, his high school sweetheart. He had the world handed to him
on a silver platter. The one thing he couldn’t have and wanted deeply was to
make Grace his, but he hadn’t been successful at accomplishing that. After
years of reluctance he decides to take the risk and ask her to be his, only to
be met with the answer he dreaded.

Now, the three girls are back together, trying to juggle
their friendships and their busy lives. McKoy is beginning to take over her
successful family Vineyard, and Ashlynn getting ready for the arrival of her
baby with Cooper.

Will the people that come into their lives keep them apart?
Or serve to make them realize the love that they really share?

Do you have to really lose the most important person in your
life to realize how special they are? And how hard will you fight to regain
that love?

Can Grace overcome her indecisiveness, confident in the love
she and Kyle share, knowing they are meant to be together? And is love really

Brooklyn Taylor

Mother of 2 amazing kiddos and married to my gorgeous
soulmate for almost 20 years. I have a full time job in the medical field. I
love to spend my free time reading, being outside and playing with my family
and 4 fur babies. I started to write at the instinct of "hey maybe I can
do that!" I have enjoyed every step of the journey. I am blessed to have
very supportive friends and family that make my like worth living! 

Author Links:


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Teaser Post for Kristen Day

Daughters of the Sea Series by Kristen Day
Young Adult Fantasy

Book 1
Once you’ve been touched by darkness, it never leaves you…

Abandoned by her parents as an infant; seventeen year old Hannah spent her childhood wading through countless foster families until being adopted by the Whitmans three years ago. 

Unfortunately, Atlanta’s high society wasn’t quite ready for Hannah…or the strange events that plague her.
Chilling visions of murder, unexplained hallucinations, and a dark, mysterious guy who haunts her nightmares all culminate to set in motion a journey of self-discovery that will challenge everything she’s ever believed; not to mention her sanity. 

Sent to live at The House of Lorelei on Bald Head Island, NC for ‘kids like her’, Hannah quickly realizes things are not what they seem. Her fellow ‘disturbed’ teens are actually the descendents of mythical Sea Gods and Goddesses. And so is she.

But when Finn, the ghost from her dreams, appears in the flesh; her nightmares become reality and her dark visions begin coming true. Inexplicably drawn to him, she can’t deny the dangerous hold he has on her heart. The deadly secrets he harbors will ultimately test her courage and push the boundaries of her love. 

She must decide if she is ready to embrace the ancient legend she is prophesied to be a part of. The fate of all the descendents will forever depend upon it.
Check out the Rest of the Series!

About Kristen Day

I am a southern belle at heart with a crazy streak that desperately tries to escape at every opportunity. I love all things nostalgic, rustic, and quirky. I've been told I see the world through rose-colored glasses, but I prefer to think of them as kaleidoscope glasses - swirling and morphing reality into something I can digest (who hasn't pretended those pasty lima beans were really kiwi strawberry jelly beans?). 
When I'm not writing I'm making jewelry, painting, drinking sweet tea, watching the discovery channel, or going on random adventures in the mountains of North Carolina with my amazing husband.

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Unexpected by Amy Marie Blog Tour


At twenty-seven Erin Decker has the perfect life; a thriving career, a dream home
she shares with her best friend Noelle, and a secure relationship with Robert,
her handsome and faithful boyfriend. Or so she thinks.

When her visions of a marriage proposal are met with the ultimate betrayal, Erin finds
herself in the arms of sexy and strong-willed distraction, Walker Prescott.

Her summer becomes life changing as she realizes Walker has left her with a tiny piece of
himself and no way to find him…until he suddenly shows up and turns her world
upside down.

Can she let go of her past to make way for a future she never saw coming?

Can Walker be exactly what Erin needs?

Will he give her the perfect life she so desperately craves in the most unexpected way?




My body isn’t used to this much alcohol. The few glasses of wine I
normally drink don’t have me in the middle of a dance “orgy” without
remembering how I got there. Sweat is dripping down my neck and tickling the
space between my breasts. After the third round of drinks, bought by three
different men just wanting to get in my pants, I feel relaxed yet out of
control. Noelle is nowhere to be found and in my drunken state I’m not even the
least bit concerned about it. The music has taken over my body and I can feel
myself letting go of all the stress and anxiety that Robert has caused me. I
don’t care who is watching because at this moment I feel like the sexiest
person in here.

With my eyes closed I rub my hands along my hips all the way to my hair,
pulling it off my neck into a makeshift ponytail. The beat of the music moves
through me like an electric wave. When a cool puff of air passes over the back
of my neck it feels like water in the Sahara. Larger hands than I’ve ever felt
before unexpectedly come around my waist and pull me back into a rock hard
chest. My breathing becomes more ragged as the mystery man whispers in my ear.

“Are you hot, baby?” He asks, his hot breath sending shivers down my

My senses are on high alert and despite the fact that I haven’t a clue
what he looks like, those four words turn me on instantly. If his voice can do
that to me I’d love to see what his enormous hands are capable of. Our bodies
connect and sway to the music as his mouth continues to hover just above my
shoulder causing tingles to radiate through my body. I can feel his lips
grazing the crease of my neck and when he nips my skin my knees go weak. My
head falls back involuntarily giving him more access to continue his sensual
assault. He smells delicious, and the soft suctioning kisses he places up my
neck cause me to moan in anticipation. I have to see the man who is releasing
all my inhibitions.

Reluctantly I turn my heated body around feeling the loss of his soft
lips, but what I’m rewarded with is a vision of godliness. Standing at what
appears to be well over six feet tall is the most panty-dropping specimen that
I have ever laid my eyes upon. I should have turned around sooner! His plain
black t-shirt hugs every single slender muscle in his sexy ass arms. The faded
blue jeans he wears are snug, even more so where his zipper lies, showing me
how much he is turned on. His dark brown hair is a styled mess; short on the
sides but longer up top. I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to grab
hold of it and tug. Hard. A grin flashes across his face, as if he’s read my
mind, and I see a hint of just one dimple on the right side of his mouth. His
green eyes appear hungry as they shamelessly take me in from my toes to my own
starving eyes. I swallow hard and try to catch my breath.

“I thought you looked good from behind but damn if you don’t look
heavenly from this angle,” he says loudly, over the music.

He grabs both of my hands, circling them around his neck. With our
height difference my forehead falls into his chest perfectly, as if we are two
pieces of a puzzle. I try to control my breathing; the alcohol is coursing
through my veins now. Freeing my hands from their hold, they find their way
down and softly graze over his pecs and then the ripple of his abs. They falter
as they come in contact with not a six pack but, a …1,2,3,… eight pack! I see
his chest rising and falling rapidly. I think he must be as turned on by me as
I am by him. Impossible.

My Review:

First and for most, the cover is two hands. I thought it was something else, but finally figured it out once I read this absolutely wonderful book. When I first signed up, there was mistake with the sign up sheet and it had the wrong synopsis. I was still signed up, but had doubts about this book. That is until I read it. 

I knew the moment I started to read this book that Robert was having an affair. I sympathized her right away. What Robert did crushed Erin and she finally realized what a cheating low-life douche bag he is. The way he treated her in the past lead up to the moment where Erin is finally free. With her best friend in tow, they go to a club where Erin meets Walker. A sexy man whose has a panty melting smile. After their one-night stand, Noelle and Erin go on vacation when Erin has a problem. Not knowing if she will ever see Walker again, she resumes her job of a sixth grade math teacher when she gets another surprise. Guess who is student teaching?? WALKER!! 

Through out this book, it is Erin and Walker's journey and dealing with a surprise and how it impacts both their lives. I love Erin, but I love Walker more. He is a sweet and gentle guy, when they are not going at it, caring for her when she was scared and hurt. His smile could make a girl's brain go from smart to mush in 5 seconds flat. Noelle reminds me of Jen for Quinn Loftis' Grey Wolves series. Both will hurt anybody who comes between her love ones and both talk about sex openly! 

Erin really grows up in this book. She knew what she wanted in life, but didn't find it in Robert till after he cheated. She found it in Walker when he didn't, no pun intended, walk away. It is an compelling story about how surprises can lead you to the one your meant to be with. Of course there are ups and downs, every relationship has them, but this down was a twist in Erin's head. The woman Robert cheated with is a family member of Walker. I won't tell how they are related, but its pretty close!! This is an Adult Romance book, but it is one of the best I have ever read. I can't wait for more swoon-worthly men come around! *mischievous grin*


Amy Marie was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago and now resides in Virginia Beach with her fantastically crazy husband and two kids.

As an avid reader, she never dreamed of writing her own novel until the characters started haunting her at night and in the shower.  Wanting to get it down on paper she set off on a journey that has been more than she could have ever dreamed. 

When not writing, she can be found carting her kids around, breaking up their fights, cleaning up messes, teaching Zumba, or reading.