In Paris there are no grand balls or glittering parties, and, disturbingly, the house Ingrid’s twin brother, Grayson, found for them isn’t a house at all. It’s an abandoned abbey, its roof lined with stone gargoyles that could almost be mistaken for living, breathing creatures.
And Grayson has gone missing.
No one seems to know of his whereabouts but Luc, a devastatingly handsome servant at their new home.
Ingrid is sure her twin isn’t dead—she can feel it deep in her soul—but she knows he’s in grave danger. It will be up to her and Gabby to navigate the twisted path to Grayson, a path that will lead Ingrid on a discovery of dark secrets and otherworldly truths. And she’ll learn that once they are uncovered, they can never again be buried.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
In the beginning, I thought this book wouldn't be very good. I was wrong. This is a great book for those of you who like steampunk books. It has the same old story but with a twist. There are Angels, Demons and Gargoyles. Yes. I said gargoyles. The stone statues you would see on a church like in the movie the Hunchback of Notre Dame. THis book takes place in Paris, where Ingrid, her sister Gabby, and her mother find out that out that Ingrid's twin, Grayson, is missing. The only thing Ingrid wants to do is find, but there is more around the corner then just the strangely handsome servant, Luc. There is a whole other world that Gabby and Ingrid don't know about, but will soon play a huge part in.
I think this book was well written, giving all the main characters a chance to tell their side of the story. It is a multi-split book, as I call it. Multiple characters tell their side of the exact same story and that is what makes this book such an epic read. It's spontaneous! Who knew Gargoyles could be this handsome! I can't wait for the second book, The Lovely and the Lost, to come out!
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